High-Perfoming Landing Pages
That Maximize Your Revenue

IT Guild EN
Design / Development
  • Design & Development
  • PPC
  • Brandbook
  • Analytics
IT Guild RU
Design / Development
  • Design & Development
  • PPC
  • Brandbook
  • Analytics

Drozd is a leading web development agency with an award-winning design team that creates innovative, high-perfoming landing pages that capture your brand, improve your conversion rates, and maximize your revenue to help grow your business and achieve your goals.

Design / Development
  • Design & Development
  • Social media targeting
  • Marketing strategy
  • Brandbook
  • PR
  • Analytics
Design / Development
  • Design & Development
  • Marketing strategy
  • Brandbook
  • Social media targeting
  • Brandbook
  • PR
  • Analytics
Design / Development
  • Design & Development
  • Social media targeting
  • PPC
  • SMM
  • Analytics

We maximize the results of your business goals, as well as improve your digital marketing strategy, by ensuring your website follows best practices for digital marketing.

Design / Development
  • Design & Development
  • Marketing strategy
  • Brandbook
  • Social media targeting
  • Brandbook
  • PR
  • Analytics

What Is a High-Performing Landing Page?

In the strictest technical sense, a landing page is basically just a single web page that is designed and intendedto encourage targeted website visitors to perform a specific set of desired actions, turning them into leads or sales. The term “landing” is derived from the fact that these pages a re usually intended as the destination page after a targeted visitor or online user clicked on an online ad, banner, link or poster.

A vital element in any effective inbound marketing program, landing pages sits at the core of your lead generation campaigns. It can make all your marketing efforts worthwhile by providing the key to higher conversion rates throughthe elements and other anatomical details that make up a high-performing landing page. You need one, or more – and here’s why.

Why Do You Need A High-Performing Landing Page?

As mentioned earlier, one of the pitfalls in digital marketing is driving ALL your traffic to your Home Page.While this may bring results to some extent, your businesses’ full potential can only be achieved if you drive your traffic to a high-performing landing page instead.

A landing page is responsible for talking directly to your targeted visitors, convincing or encouraging themto take the next step and perform a desired action that will convert their visit into a lead or even a sale. The following further explains why this is so:

A Landing Page...

Increases Conversion Rates
Is a Cost-Effective Way to Get More Business
Builds Better Brand Awareness
Helps You Understand Customers Better



Digital strategy, UX, Сreative brief.


3d, photo, video, copyright, illustrations.


UI design, Front end, Back end, Web hosting.


Analytics, PPC/PPA/PPM.


$ 2 000
  1. Prototyping
  2. Сopywriting
  3. Template design
  4. Adaptive layout
$ 3 000
  1. Business analytics
  2. Competitor analysis
  3. Prototyping
  4. Professional copywriting
  5. Unique UX/UI
  6. Adaptive layout
  7. Google Ads setup
  8. One year hosting
  9. One year domain
$ 4 000
  1. Business analytics
  2. Competitor analysis
  3. Prototyping
  4. Professional copywriting
  5. Unique UX/UI
  6. Adaptive layout
  7. Google Ads setup
  8. One year hosting
  9. One year domain
  10. Logo design
  11. CMS installation (admin dashboard)

Drozd helps companies grow in an ever-changing digital world

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DE 19703, USA